viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

A country I'd like to visit

I'd like to travel for different places in the world, but my favorite country is Korea.
There are many things that I like in this country. Korea is the perfect mix of tradition and modernity. 
I love how the korean people live following theirs traditions but working with the technology. This were the form that they think to get up their country after the war.

I admire so much the korean people. The kids are in the college all day. They study 20 hours in a day -not is a fact, I supossed- because their expect of live is come to study in other country or (if the student no have money), study in the traditional university. The problem is the test... is so difficult!

The family is the most important for the korean people. Their houses are a temple and are so conffortable with their visits. The food of the korean mothers -or ajhummas in korean- is the best of the world! They loves the age of the persons. Their lenguage depend of this. They used differents kinds of words if you're a superior of the word or you have more age. They means honorifics.

In the occidental society this respect for the people with more age is lost and I hate this. I think taht they are persons that can to give more experience about the life, about the history, about everything! I like so much how the korean culture -and oriental cultures- loves theirs forms of comunicate with other persons.

I'd like to visit the symbol of the Joseon Dinasty: The Gyeongbokgung Palace. This place have 600 years and is one of the Five Palace of Seoul. In this place, the king decides the future of all people and celebrate the multitudinary ceremonies in his honor. In the Gyeongbokgung Palace was filmed all the series I love!!! I dream to visit the Mayor Salon and to become a queen for 5 minutes! *-*

Other site I'd like to visit is the Korean Folk Village. In this place, there are many performans about the life in different regions of Korea, all in the same place. Is wonderfull and free! This place was used as filming "The Moon embraces The Sun" in 2012, one of my favorite series.

The name of my blog is "A Chingu in the City". Chingu means friend in korean. Welcome to my blog chingu!


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!