viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

English language challenges

I would learn to speak better English. So I feel that not handling well and I don’t like this. I also believe that the best way is traveling, so I think to do it in a few months. Honestly it’s the language that I dislike, but I think it is very necessary for my future like journalist. That's why I work hard and do it soon.

I think that the best way of learn a language is with other persons. I will start to study Japanese in this semester and although it’s a language completely different from ours, if accompanied by other people is easier. That's why I travel to learn better English, because is cheaper travel to USA that Asia…

My teacher in the university told me that in my profession it’s said that if you study a different language, you can increase your salary by 50 %. I decided to go for this way and learn many languages. I hope that's true and when it does get busy but first I must learn to speak English very, very well.

The English is a language that I not understand. In my school I has teachers so bad and I dislike. I prefer study Korean or Chinese… but in these countries the English is a second language, too. I don’t have a escape ja ja ja

First semester reflections

I thought I wouldn’t have a first half this year… but I’m here. I just have lesions of English so, I speak about my first half in my life. 

In the university, I finished my title’s memory (like thesis). I quit my job and all semester I wrote about Asia. My memory is about how Japan and South Korea influence in the Chilean cultural industry since the fans of this countries. I’m so happy with the final paper but two teachers haven’t revised; wherever my first note was 6,7 :D In one more month I will have my defense… I’m so nervous but my friend told me that anybody knows about this topic like me because I wrote! 

In my church, I started to lead the Young Ministry. I’m the boss now but I don’t wish this. I gained many responsibilities and challenges. I have the double of meetings and work and I fought with my family and my friend for this, too. But it’s what I like and finally they understand that. My time with they is so small, my mother and sister continues told me this but I cook something very tasty and don’t bother me.

Finally, I think that the first semester was an opportunity for finished my projects and start the second half like a new person. Until now, this year has meant many changes in my life that I hope to establish with security in this semester and in the next year. So we go for the second half and make this a great year!


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!