martes, 12 de abril de 2011

The animals and me... friends forever!!!

I love animals... some people call at persons like me "animal lovers". 

When I was a child, I got a dog. We called it "Daisy". It was black and very, very agly. Now, I have other dog called "Blanquita”. It to go at my home at 3 years ago and it's a member of my family. When it was a puppy, was white dog but before it transform in a yellow dog, I don't know how (hahahahahaha). 

Personally, I think if I was an animal, I was a cat… I like how they are a free and independent animal.

I love to much at Blanquita and I hate the use of animals for medical research. This is an abuse them and I think is terrible. I don't use cosmetic that use this type of forms from experiment and I don't visit circus with animals, for example. I respect rights animals because they feels like us.

But, I think that the animals are just animals. Some people exceed the limits when they to deal with it like a person. For example, a woman those buy everyday an accessory for her pet or a men that eat with it. For me, it’s too much.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Santiago Pavlovic: A referent at journalism

Santiago Pavlovic Urrionabarrenechea was born in Machalí, Chile. He has 4 brothers and playing with them and friends, he lost his eye. He studied in University of Chile journalism and University of Senfer Freies film and television. Since then he has served as presenter on television, radio host and reporter. Now continuous currently conducting Informe Especial (Special Report) on TVN and a radio program called Mañana es otro día (Tomorrow is another day).

He works in a television program, Informe Especial. Every thursday on TVN the reporter investigates about conflictive or difficult topics. Him work in this program I liked since girl and was one of the things that motivated me to study journalism.He works with emotions of the people, he gets involded with them. He’s a confrontational man.

I like Santiago Pavlovic because he is a proffesional journalist. He's an investigation journalist and everybody can see this. He has credibility and a history of hit report. I would like to have the respect he has in the communications media.

The Music is all!!!

I don't know how some people can to go in a bus without music.... it's boring!!!
The music can to do that people in the city moves your bodies at a rithm. It's great! The music can to do feel you sick or happy or sad or everything. It have this power.

Bi Rain
Personaly, I like all kind music, but like all have a type favorite... In my case is k-pop music.
My favorite singer is Bi Rain because I think that he's a complete artist: He sing good, he dance good and he's a great actor. I like group Mblaq (his disciples), too.
I can't buy CD's of my favorite singers because in Chile not exist this. So, I have download  music files from internet... I know it's very bad but I don't have other option.
In my memory the first song is "Viva Chile" because I danced this song in the school.
I think if I was a song, I was "La cigarra" by María Elena Walsh, because I feel that represent this moment in my life... to born between ash.
I don't play any instrument, but I would to do it. I think I sing good and I love the karaokes and I sing while in the shower, too.
Finally, I think music it's very importante because allows to comunicate in a poetic languaje and to tell things more easy... Really... What we would  to do in the world would without music?

P.D.: This is a video of my favorite singer dancing a song of my favorite group... enjoy it!

Just Mona

Hello cyber-readers!!!

My name is Mónica Alessandra Rivera Oyanadel, in facebook I'm Mona Oyanadel but I prefer to call me Mona.
I have 22 years old
I study journalist.
I like K-pop music and doramas.
I'm full in love for Lee Min Ho.

This Blog is an experience in my english class and I pretend to learn of my partners. I think with this blog I can to do it.


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!