martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Mp4: I don't know to live without you!!!

Picture of my Mp4
My favorite piece of technology is Mp4. I think that all joung people don't live without music. The most wonderfull of mp4 is that you can to see videos, too.
 The Mp4 is a digital multimedia reproductor. The name Mp4 player is a marketing term for portable media players that comply with certain standards and formats. The MP4 can reproduce video, songs and pictures.

I have my Mp4 since 3 month ago because I bought for my birthday. I have a Master-G Reproductor Mp4 Kore of 4GB. I bought my Mp4 very cheap!!!

 I use my Mp4 for to listen my favorite music all day. It's very funny when I'm in the bus and the people moves at rhythm of my music!!! hahahahaha. I read some text of my university in my Mp4, too. In my reproductor I can see some pictures of my favorites singers and finally, I use it for to see videos of my groups of music favorites (and practice this dances)

 I like the Mp4 because it's a complete device: is portable, light, aestetic, cute and easy to use. It has all things that I use habitually and I can to go at anywhere.

I think that without my Mp4 my life don't change too much. I did not have at 3 months ago so, I think that conform me with my Mp3 ;)

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This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!