viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

English language challenges

I would learn to speak better English. So I feel that not handling well and I don’t like this. I also believe that the best way is traveling, so I think to do it in a few months. Honestly it’s the language that I dislike, but I think it is very necessary for my future like journalist. That's why I work hard and do it soon.

I think that the best way of learn a language is with other persons. I will start to study Japanese in this semester and although it’s a language completely different from ours, if accompanied by other people is easier. That's why I travel to learn better English, because is cheaper travel to USA that Asia…

My teacher in the university told me that in my profession it’s said that if you study a different language, you can increase your salary by 50 %. I decided to go for this way and learn many languages. I hope that's true and when it does get busy but first I must learn to speak English very, very well.

The English is a language that I not understand. In my school I has teachers so bad and I dislike. I prefer study Korean or Chinese… but in these countries the English is a second language, too. I don’t have a escape ja ja ja

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This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!