viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

English language challenges

I would learn to speak better English. So I feel that not handling well and I don’t like this. I also believe that the best way is traveling, so I think to do it in a few months. Honestly it’s the language that I dislike, but I think it is very necessary for my future like journalist. That's why I work hard and do it soon.

I think that the best way of learn a language is with other persons. I will start to study Japanese in this semester and although it’s a language completely different from ours, if accompanied by other people is easier. That's why I travel to learn better English, because is cheaper travel to USA that Asia…

My teacher in the university told me that in my profession it’s said that if you study a different language, you can increase your salary by 50 %. I decided to go for this way and learn many languages. I hope that's true and when it does get busy but first I must learn to speak English very, very well.

The English is a language that I not understand. In my school I has teachers so bad and I dislike. I prefer study Korean or Chinese… but in these countries the English is a second language, too. I don’t have a escape ja ja ja

First semester reflections

I thought I wouldn’t have a first half this year… but I’m here. I just have lesions of English so, I speak about my first half in my life. 

In the university, I finished my title’s memory (like thesis). I quit my job and all semester I wrote about Asia. My memory is about how Japan and South Korea influence in the Chilean cultural industry since the fans of this countries. I’m so happy with the final paper but two teachers haven’t revised; wherever my first note was 6,7 :D In one more month I will have my defense… I’m so nervous but my friend told me that anybody knows about this topic like me because I wrote! 

In my church, I started to lead the Young Ministry. I’m the boss now but I don’t wish this. I gained many responsibilities and challenges. I have the double of meetings and work and I fought with my family and my friend for this, too. But it’s what I like and finally they understand that. My time with they is so small, my mother and sister continues told me this but I cook something very tasty and don’t bother me.

Finally, I think that the first semester was an opportunity for finished my projects and start the second half like a new person. Until now, this year has meant many changes in my life that I hope to establish with security in this semester and in the next year. So we go for the second half and make this a great year!

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

My vision of American Cup

My feelings about American Cup are only happiness. I'm chilean and the triumph in this tournament is like a dream for us... but, there're some things that it's impossible to ignore about this.

Is important to say that the games were SO boring during the group stage, except the match between Paraguay and Argentina where Lucas-Barrios razed against Messi and company or the match where Brazil beat Peru with a agonizing goal in the ultimate minute.

But actual games you could see them in the quarterfinals. Different countries gave great surprises! In the case of Chile, overcomes the favorite, Uruguay, generating a series of disputes by arbitration and
doubts for a foul he committed player Gonzalo Jara (Chile) that led to the expulsion of Edinson Cavani (Uruguay). The controversy continues in the other matches with Peru and the final game with Argentina, calling into question the legitimate triumph of Chile (in my opinion).
Another controversy was the one that carried out the Argentine striker Lionel Messi, named the best player in the world during the American Cup. Argentines criticized his performance on the field, saying he slept throughout the game. There is also a rumor that refused to be named best player for this reason, although not confirmed officially. This fogged the triumph that led to the final, when they beat by 6-1 to Paraguay team in the quarter-final rematch.

I'm anxious to see what will happen next year -Chile will not play like local- in the Centennial American Cup in USA. Is Chile will be able to maintain leadership? The mood is intact! Chile you can!

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

If I were a rich

If I were rich, I would to give something at my group of charity. Maybe the elderly on the street could be a night over the roof, in a comfortable bed. This is my dream.

If I were rich, I would to travel with my mother at other country. She dream to go at Jerusalen and Vatician, but it’s expensive. If I were rich, She would to go with her sisters and (why not?) her pets. They can’t to exit of house without their pets… I don’t understand this.

 If I were rich, probably I give my money at other causes that I follow like protection of children and abandoned elderly. Actually, I were like a new Leonardo Farkas but with look of Paris Hilton #okno
If I were rich, I hope to make it through a lucky game.  I don’t want to become in an ugly person with the power of money. I don’t want to become in a money machine without feelings.

If I were rich, I would to pay all my education and I don’t have the preoccupation that now I have xD But, I’m sure that I would other more disturbing things. My sister said “If you have more money, you have more costs…” So, I think I prefer to be a poor person because I so happy in this moment.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

My Future Job

I’m studing journalism. In my country the possibilities to find a job in my area are SO difficult. Most people think that journalism is only for TV but I don't wish to search a job in this area… I hate this!

When I thought to study journalism, I would to work for many things like political opinion, investigation or social helping, inclusive. But, with the time, I thought my idea is not real! Find a job with this characteristics involve winning a government contest or something like this. It’s impossible. 

Now, I pretend to work in a different area of my career: social investigation. This does not report a lot of money but I like it and I think I do it very well… so, It’s easy for me. Also, I like to write about music or asian culture and I work with a religion group in a project of radio and TV in a site of internet. I see my future in this place or in this area. This is the future of journalism, this is the digital age.

I worked in a place that I did not like at all and was very strenuous. Just for the money. I was not happy at the time. I think when you’re searching a new job, you have to consider some items, for example, yours abilities and things that you like. If you mix this, maybe you can live happy. This is most important.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

My favorite food is...

The topic today is… FOOD!

Ok. The food is too complicated when you’re a woman. You pretending to look at all calorie table but if you want to eat when you watch a movie or –in my case- a k-drama it’s impossible. Why  k-dramas ALWAYS have a scene with food?! It’s horrible!!! But it isn’t topic today…

My favorite food is ramen. Maybe because I watch too k-dramas or because the ramen is very cheap or it’s very simple and quick to cook but the ramen is the BEST FOOD EVER! You just need boiling water, wait 3 minutes and ... voila! You ramen is ready!

The ramen is very, very simple: noodles and soup. If you want, you can to add some eggs, meet, fish, vegetables or anything for flawor. You can decide how amazing to your friends with your best recipe (remember to share in a comment)

I inquiring online, I find that there is a ramen museum called “Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum”. In this place, you can see different kind of ramen and its history. It’s a dream for me but I don’t have money to travel at Japan :’(

I add a video about how you can make korean ramyeon (ramen) easily at home. Enjoy it!

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

MBLAQ in Chile: The most important concert for my EVER!

The Caupolican Theatre represent for me the place where my dreams can to be a fact. I ‘m A+. I’m fan of MBLAQ, a singers group of kpop.

I remember when I created the fan page of MBLAQ in Chile I never to believe we would to see at own favorite group here. SeungHo, G.O, Lee Joon, Thunder and Mir lives in South Korea and was a fact that they can’t to travel… but they came.

We celebrate the 5th anniversary of MBLAQ and we send a cake with other fanbases of the other countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina) and we pray for all can to eat the cake because SeungHo love the food… In this moment Fran and me (the president and secretary of fanclub) listen the notice of MBLAQ came to Chile.

The visits on the fanpage increase so much and the stress was horrible but all this forgot this day. I pay 100.000 pesos for my VIP ticket. But at july, 11 2014 all the problems and discutions were nothing because I CAN TO BE WITH G.O ON THE SCENARIO! Yes, I was the person that gives the presents of Chilean fans. He was SO cute and HOT! He isn't the men of my live but he’s handsome and smell very well #myth ha ha ha ha


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!