viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

My Future Job

I’m studing journalism. In my country the possibilities to find a job in my area are SO difficult. Most people think that journalism is only for TV but I don't wish to search a job in this area… I hate this!

When I thought to study journalism, I would to work for many things like political opinion, investigation or social helping, inclusive. But, with the time, I thought my idea is not real! Find a job with this characteristics involve winning a government contest or something like this. It’s impossible. 

Now, I pretend to work in a different area of my career: social investigation. This does not report a lot of money but I like it and I think I do it very well… so, It’s easy for me. Also, I like to write about music or asian culture and I work with a religion group in a project of radio and TV in a site of internet. I see my future in this place or in this area. This is the future of journalism, this is the digital age.

I worked in a place that I did not like at all and was very strenuous. Just for the money. I was not happy at the time. I think when you’re searching a new job, you have to consider some items, for example, yours abilities and things that you like. If you mix this, maybe you can live happy. This is most important.

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This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!