martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

I don't go to the cinema

  I like going to the cinema, but I don't know why somepeople spend so much money in this. I never pay a ticket for to go the cinema, ever. When I was a girl my parent bougth the tickets and now, I go to the cinema free for win a prize. I'm a lucky woman :D
  The last movie that I see in a cinema was Mamma Mia. I prefer watch movies in my home. I rent a movie or see it for internet in my bed. It's more comfortable for me. I like to guffaw so much and I cry with anything.

  My favorite film is El viaje de Chihiro because I remember to see this movie with all my family and I remember this happy moment with their.

  El viaje de Chihiro (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi) is about adventures of Chihiro Ogino, a girl of 10 years that is in the process of moving (house) with her parents. in the process, her father to lose the way and they to go at rare tunnel and discover a new world.  The parents of Chihiro go to the restaurant because they are hungry but Chihiro went all over place. In the night, her parents are converted in pigs and she tray of search a form to break the spell and return their home.

  I recomended this movie if you like anime. If you don't like anime maybe you're boring.

Would you reccomend a movie at me?

Here watch El Viaje de Chihiro's trailer in spanish and english.

3 comentarios:

  1. I heard about this movie, but I never seen the film :(
    I should watch it, no? :D
    I would reccomend Mulholland Dr. by David Lynch :D

  2. Hey, I don´t go to the cinema too. But, I don´t go because I don´t like jejeje. I prefer to watch a film on TV
    I recomend you "Marley and me". It is so sweet, maybe you cry with the end.

  3. I watched El Viaje de Chihiro's is a strange movie because you enter a new world where anything can happen. The characters are monstrous and mysterious.
    Personally, I Think this movie independent of history its like a nigthmare!!!
    Also, I hope you go to the cinema soon!!! jajajjaajaja!!
    We should expect because the cinemark will opened in the "Portal Ñuñoa" =)



This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!