martes, 12 de abril de 2011

The animals and me... friends forever!!!

I love animals... some people call at persons like me "animal lovers". 

When I was a child, I got a dog. We called it "Daisy". It was black and very, very agly. Now, I have other dog called "Blanquita”. It to go at my home at 3 years ago and it's a member of my family. When it was a puppy, was white dog but before it transform in a yellow dog, I don't know how (hahahahahaha). 

Personally, I think if I was an animal, I was a cat… I like how they are a free and independent animal.

I love to much at Blanquita and I hate the use of animals for medical research. This is an abuse them and I think is terrible. I don't use cosmetic that use this type of forms from experiment and I don't visit circus with animals, for example. I respect rights animals because they feels like us.

But, I think that the animals are just animals. Some people exceed the limits when they to deal with it like a person. For example, a woman those buy everyday an accessory for her pet or a men that eat with it. For me, it’s too much.

3 comentarios:

  1. Blanquita is a beautiful dog that looks like my dog Mateo. It´s wonderful your care for pets. Also, I disagree with violation of the rights of animals at utilitarian purposes of the human. I think this only understand people who have pets or who see animals defenseless.

  2. I dislike the cats jejejeje... so I can´t be your friend if you was a cat :D
    Your dog is so beautiful :D

  3. But if you were a cat you would probably be chased after by your dog!!! LOL.
    -Now, I have ANother dog
    -It ARRIVED at my home at 3 years ago.
    -IT was A white dog but THEN it transformED inTO a yellow dog,
    - if I wERE an animal, I WOULD BE a cat
    -I love Blanquita A LOT/VERY MUCH ("Too much" is negative)
    -This is a FORM OF abuse OVER them and I think IT is terrible
    -I respect ANIMAL rights because they fEEL like us.
    -when they TREAT it like a person
    -a woman WHO buyS... / a mAN that eatS...



This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!