lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

The Music is all!!!

I don't know how some people can to go in a bus without music.... it's boring!!!
The music can to do that people in the city moves your bodies at a rithm. It's great! The music can to do feel you sick or happy or sad or everything. It have this power.

Bi Rain
Personaly, I like all kind music, but like all have a type favorite... In my case is k-pop music.
My favorite singer is Bi Rain because I think that he's a complete artist: He sing good, he dance good and he's a great actor. I like group Mblaq (his disciples), too.
I can't buy CD's of my favorite singers because in Chile not exist this. So, I have download  music files from internet... I know it's very bad but I don't have other option.
In my memory the first song is "Viva Chile" because I danced this song in the school.
I think if I was a song, I was "La cigarra" by María Elena Walsh, because I feel that represent this moment in my life... to born between ash.
I don't play any instrument, but I would to do it. I think I sing good and I love the karaokes and I sing while in the shower, too.
Finally, I think music it's very importante because allows to comunicate in a poetic languaje and to tell things more easy... Really... What we would  to do in the world would without music?

P.D.: This is a video of my favorite singer dancing a song of my favorite group... enjoy it!

2 comentarios:


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!