lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Santiago Pavlovic: A referent at journalism

Santiago Pavlovic Urrionabarrenechea was born in Machalí, Chile. He has 4 brothers and playing with them and friends, he lost his eye. He studied in University of Chile journalism and University of Senfer Freies film and television. Since then he has served as presenter on television, radio host and reporter. Now continuous currently conducting Informe Especial (Special Report) on TVN and a radio program called Mañana es otro día (Tomorrow is another day).

He works in a television program, Informe Especial. Every thursday on TVN the reporter investigates about conflictive or difficult topics. Him work in this program I liked since girl and was one of the things that motivated me to study journalism.He works with emotions of the people, he gets involded with them. He’s a confrontational man.

I like Santiago Pavlovic because he is a proffesional journalist. He's an investigation journalist and everybody can see this. He has credibility and a history of hit report. I would like to have the respect he has in the communications media.

2 comentarios:

  1. I like pavlovic too. I watched Informe Especial and I think that is a great program. He is a real journalist that make the bad work :P

  2. I like Santiago Pavlovic too :) I watched Informe Especial when I could. I always thought that he lost his eye in a war!...



This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!