sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

The books and me...

The literature is very important in our lives, because with this we can write, learn and talk of a better and faster.

I have to read a lot in my career because I have to. But in myholidays I like to read other things. When I was a children, I had a lot of books in myhouse because my uncles gave them to me. But I loved reading those books because in the south of Chile is very good read a book outside or in a day of rain.

In one year I read about 30 or more books. I like reading booksand I prefer romantic fiction. My favorite writer is Gabriel García Márquez and my favorite book is "Pregúntale a Alicia" My favorite character in literature is Papelucho because it's very funny and cute. I remember that I was like him.

The last book I read was "New Moon" I really liked because it was the continuation of another book called "Twilight" (Best seller) I read on my vacation and I took about 2 weeks to read. This is the second part of a great vampire story. It is narrated in first person by Bella Swan and are concerned about her depression and her friendship with Jacob Black... after Edward (his love) to escape from it because he believed that he's a danger to her life after they had an accident in celebrating her birthday in his house with his brother vampire. It is a story full of love, mystery, blood and revenge... I really like it!
Now you answer at me.. What do you think about the literature? What is your favorite book? Do you like “Twilight”?

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

I remember a photo in Quasimodo...

This is my favorite photo. I took it and this is a too self-referential but really is my favorite photo :P
In my class of Photographic in the university, we were a job about a visual reportage and I choose to do about the faith. So, I have a opportunity to assist of celebration  of Quasimodo in a church next to my home.

There was many people help at other person for receive the Blessed Sacrament. It was a very happy holiday, with decorated bikes and people singing and walking through the streets of my neighborhood, but that was not what caught my attention.

I wanted to show in my photographs the closeness between these people and a divine presence. I wanted to know the reaction of the sick or elderly to receive a religious community. I wanted to reflect why it is celebrated every year with much success in Chile.

The woman that is in the photo was very sick but we were welcomed with happiness and emotion. In this moment  I took the picture and I could feel the gratitude of her. The men that is in the photo is the deacon of my church. In the picture is centered on the old woman's face.

I like this photo because I think that was my best photo for this job (in fact is in the centre of the collage) but maybe this is not very important. Mostly I like this picture because I believe that faith can to be the engine of a person's life. Capture the exact moment where this occurs is a blessing. I would be consistent as the old woman and believe blindly in God and that he is with me as she is with he now.

But… you think I can to reflect I wanted in the picture? I hope your answers!

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

I don't go to the cinema

  I like going to the cinema, but I don't know why somepeople spend so much money in this. I never pay a ticket for to go the cinema, ever. When I was a girl my parent bougth the tickets and now, I go to the cinema free for win a prize. I'm a lucky woman :D
  The last movie that I see in a cinema was Mamma Mia. I prefer watch movies in my home. I rent a movie or see it for internet in my bed. It's more comfortable for me. I like to guffaw so much and I cry with anything.

  My favorite film is El viaje de Chihiro because I remember to see this movie with all my family and I remember this happy moment with their.

  El viaje de Chihiro (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi) is about adventures of Chihiro Ogino, a girl of 10 years that is in the process of moving (house) with her parents. in the process, her father to lose the way and they to go at rare tunnel and discover a new world.  The parents of Chihiro go to the restaurant because they are hungry but Chihiro went all over place. In the night, her parents are converted in pigs and she tray of search a form to break the spell and return their home.

  I recomended this movie if you like anime. If you don't like anime maybe you're boring.

Would you reccomend a movie at me?

Here watch El Viaje de Chihiro's trailer in spanish and english.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Mp4: I don't know to live without you!!!

Picture of my Mp4
My favorite piece of technology is Mp4. I think that all joung people don't live without music. The most wonderfull of mp4 is that you can to see videos, too.
 The Mp4 is a digital multimedia reproductor. The name Mp4 player is a marketing term for portable media players that comply with certain standards and formats. The MP4 can reproduce video, songs and pictures.

I have my Mp4 since 3 month ago because I bought for my birthday. I have a Master-G Reproductor Mp4 Kore of 4GB. I bought my Mp4 very cheap!!!

 I use my Mp4 for to listen my favorite music all day. It's very funny when I'm in the bus and the people moves at rhythm of my music!!! hahahahaha. I read some text of my university in my Mp4, too. In my reproductor I can see some pictures of my favorites singers and finally, I use it for to see videos of my groups of music favorites (and practice this dances)

 I like the Mp4 because it's a complete device: is portable, light, aestetic, cute and easy to use. It has all things that I use habitually and I can to go at anywhere.

I think that without my Mp4 my life don't change too much. I did not have at 3 months ago so, I think that conform me with my Mp3 ;)

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

The animals and me... friends forever!!!

I love animals... some people call at persons like me "animal lovers". 

When I was a child, I got a dog. We called it "Daisy". It was black and very, very agly. Now, I have other dog called "Blanquita”. It to go at my home at 3 years ago and it's a member of my family. When it was a puppy, was white dog but before it transform in a yellow dog, I don't know how (hahahahahaha). 

Personally, I think if I was an animal, I was a cat… I like how they are a free and independent animal.

I love to much at Blanquita and I hate the use of animals for medical research. This is an abuse them and I think is terrible. I don't use cosmetic that use this type of forms from experiment and I don't visit circus with animals, for example. I respect rights animals because they feels like us.

But, I think that the animals are just animals. Some people exceed the limits when they to deal with it like a person. For example, a woman those buy everyday an accessory for her pet or a men that eat with it. For me, it’s too much.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Santiago Pavlovic: A referent at journalism

Santiago Pavlovic Urrionabarrenechea was born in Machalí, Chile. He has 4 brothers and playing with them and friends, he lost his eye. He studied in University of Chile journalism and University of Senfer Freies film and television. Since then he has served as presenter on television, radio host and reporter. Now continuous currently conducting Informe Especial (Special Report) on TVN and a radio program called Mañana es otro día (Tomorrow is another day).

He works in a television program, Informe Especial. Every thursday on TVN the reporter investigates about conflictive or difficult topics. Him work in this program I liked since girl and was one of the things that motivated me to study journalism.He works with emotions of the people, he gets involded with them. He’s a confrontational man.

I like Santiago Pavlovic because he is a proffesional journalist. He's an investigation journalist and everybody can see this. He has credibility and a history of hit report. I would like to have the respect he has in the communications media.

The Music is all!!!

I don't know how some people can to go in a bus without music.... it's boring!!!
The music can to do that people in the city moves your bodies at a rithm. It's great! The music can to do feel you sick or happy or sad or everything. It have this power.

Bi Rain
Personaly, I like all kind music, but like all have a type favorite... In my case is k-pop music.
My favorite singer is Bi Rain because I think that he's a complete artist: He sing good, he dance good and he's a great actor. I like group Mblaq (his disciples), too.
I can't buy CD's of my favorite singers because in Chile not exist this. So, I have download  music files from internet... I know it's very bad but I don't have other option.
In my memory the first song is "Viva Chile" because I danced this song in the school.
I think if I was a song, I was "La cigarra" by María Elena Walsh, because I feel that represent this moment in my life... to born between ash.
I don't play any instrument, but I would to do it. I think I sing good and I love the karaokes and I sing while in the shower, too.
Finally, I think music it's very importante because allows to comunicate in a poetic languaje and to tell things more easy... Really... What we would  to do in the world would without music?

P.D.: This is a video of my favorite singer dancing a song of my favorite group... enjoy it!

Just Mona

Hello cyber-readers!!!

My name is Mónica Alessandra Rivera Oyanadel, in facebook I'm Mona Oyanadel but I prefer to call me Mona.
I have 22 years old
I study journalist.
I like K-pop music and doramas.
I'm full in love for Lee Min Ho.

This Blog is an experience in my english class and I pretend to learn of my partners. I think with this blog I can to do it.


This is a blog of my english class. :D Enjoy it!